About Jennie Screenshot.png

Hello and thank you for considering me to be your physical therapist! I look forward to helping you achieve your goal of being active and pain free. Here's a little info about my practice.

 I hold masters and doctorate degrees in physical therapy from University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and have been practicing since 2004.  I specialize in rehabilitation of orthopedic musculoskeletal injuries and pelvic floor rehabilitation. I treat conditions involving joint degeneration, repetitive and acute strains/sprains, sports related injuries, balance and vestibular dysfunctions,  as well as post-operative rehabilitation. I also focus on health and wellness during pregnancy, postpartum wellness and treat a variety of pelvic floor dysfunctions including urge and stress incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain. My treatments are all directed on-on-one care and include different forms of manual therapy, therapeutic exercise and neuromuscular re-education in the effort to decrease pain and increase strength, mobility and function.  Heavy emphasis is placed on restoring proper posture and alignment.  I treat the person as a whole, not just the immediate area of pain, in order to discover the underlying causes of the dysfunction and prevent future injury.

 I strive to get you moving and back to activities you love as quickly as possible!

